Just FYI I'm available to email at vilepickle@gmail.com. Don't have any friends IRL or online but more than happy to speak with you if you're genuine.
Btw, not ever killing myself! I know you want me to.
Here's a fact for you... you don't view me as a person, so I don't view you as a person. You can take that knowledge and understand that everything I do will be to make your life worse in the end. You know who you are.
For what you could solve with a simple email, you will instead waste your time trying to out-sleuth and "ban someone harder" like the idiots you are. And I was supposed to be the dumb one. Don't worry, I don't have anything better to do than mess with people that think name calling is cool and accomplishes things.
You did accomplish something though... you made an enemy for life!